
Call for Submissions

We are seeking short articles on strategies, data, studies, and dilemmas related to a variety of topics. We foster an international, multicultural, and interdisciplinary discussion, welcoming opinions from all perspectives. We consider proposals from any author interested in research, promotion, and strategies related to human rights. Additionally, we welcome contributions that address topics such as politics, culture, climate change, gender, or other social and economic concerns specific to your locality.

For article submissions or inquiries, please contact us at: convocation@rutamerica.com

Please note that, at the moment, we do not offer fees or compensation.

Article/Column/Report Submission

  • Include an intriguing title for your article/column or report; however, we reserve the right to modify titles to maximize appeal.
  • Provide a brief bio of 2-3 sentences, including only your most important titles and affiliations, country of residence, and any social media you would like to share with our team. Include a link to your organization, personal website, or recently published work.
  • Keep in mind that the article/column or report should include a main argument, debates on the topic, and evidence supporting your argument (data, anecdotes, personal experience, etc.).

Writing Guidelines

Articles are intended for a general, global audience and can be submitted in either English or Spanish. Please consider the following guidelines when writing your article:

  • Ensure your contribution is brief: 800 to 1,000 words.
  • Use a minimal amount of technical, academic, and legal terms; write simply and directly, using short sentences, and keep in mind readers and translators working in other languages.
  • Place the most important points at the beginning of the text.
  • Use active voice.
  • Incorporate hyperlinks to open sources to support your arguments. We do not publish footnotes or endnotes. Whenever possible, link to sources available in English or another widely spoken language.
  • Provide context; do not assume readers know about your topic or country.
  • Where relevant, include hyperlinks to previous articles.

Editing Process

Once you submit your proposal, our team will review it. If your proposal is selected, we will begin the editing process. After you submit your draft, we will return an edited version with comments, requests, and suggestions. We hope you can assist us by incorporating these changes for the final publication of the article. Please note that editing and our response time will take between 3 to 6 weeks.

Article Promotion

When your work is published, we will notify you and ask you to promote it through your own social media and networks. We will do the same through our multilingual Facebook and Twitter accounts, as well as our weekly newsletter.

Once your article appears on our website, you are free to publish it elsewhere, as long as it includes a tag or hyperlink mentioning that the article was originally published on Ruta América. This will help us better promote your article and avoid intellectual property issues.