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Call for Articles, Videos, and Photos for Ruta América

We are pleased to announce the open call for submissions for the next edition of our digital magazine, Ruta América. We are looking for contributions in the form of articles, videos, and photos. The themes for this edition are: Politics and Society, Tourism, Culture and Art, and The Environment.

Submission Deadline: 31/Jan/2025.

  • Articles: Original pieces of 800 to 2,000 words that provide in-depth analysis, unique perspectives, and/or reports on the selected topic. They should be well-researched and engaging for our audience.
  • Videos: Audiovisual content between 3 to 10 minutes capturing stories, interviews, short documentaries, or any format that fits the theme. Image and sound quality must be high.
  • Photos: High-resolution images (minimum 300 dpi) that can accompany articles or tell a story on their own. Photo series and photo essays are welcome.
  • File Formats:

    • Articles: Word format (.doc or .docx).
    • Videos: MP4 format.
    • Photos: PNG format.


  • Information to Include:

    • Title of the work.
    • Brief biography of the author/creator (maximum 100 words).
    • Contact information: full name, email, phone, and social media contacts.
    • Summary of the article or description of the video/photos (maximum 200 words), explaining how it relates to one of the edition’s themes.


  • Submission Process:

    • Send files to with the subject line “Ruta América 2024 Call – [Category: Article/Video/Photo].”
      A maximum of two submissions per author/creator is allowed.

  • Authors/creators will retain copyright over their work.
  • By submitting, they grant Ruta América the right to publish and distribute their content in our digital magazine and across our partner platforms.
  • Selected authors/creators will receive recognition (non-monetary) and can promote their work through our social media and platforms.
  • Originality and creativity
  • Quality of the content and relevance to the theme
  • Clarity and cohesion of the message

Convocation Categories

Politics and Society

We want to hear your voice and perspective on how power and policies impact society. Share your experiences, insights, or personal views on social changes, movements, and governance shaping the world today.


Tell us about your travel experiences and the lessons learned from your explorations. We want to hear the stories behind the destinations, the cultural impact of tourism, and how you practice sustainable travel.

Culture and art

Share your talent with us and how culture and art have influenced your life or community. We want to know your stories about traditions, artistic expressions, and the transformative power of creativity in its many forms.


Your experience and commitment to the environment matter. We want to hear your stories of struggle, innovation, or solutions to tackle environmental challenges, from climate change to nature conservation.

We're Here to Help

For any inquiries, feel free to contact us at

We look forward to receiving your submissions and sharing your creativity with the world!

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